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Restoration project

In 2009, Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna – the Malta Heritage Trust has embarked on the restoration of this historic complex. Since, then its volunteers have spent many selfless hours in painstakingly getting it back to its former glory for the enjoyment of the visiting public.

As an organisation Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna is there to help conserve our nation’s heritage for present and future generations to enjoy. Over the past years FWA was instrumental in saving and rehabilitating various heritage sites and in engendering awareness and disseminating knowledge about neglected aspects of our rich history. Preserving historic places is an expensive task.

The income we receive from visitors’ fees at our properties, and membership, is crucial to keep our work going, but this only covers a fraction of our costs. We need extra funds to help with the conservation and maintenance of the historic properties in our care.

You can support us by making a donation which will help us raise the extra funds we need to continue with our mission.

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Copyright © Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna 2025

+356 21800992

Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna is a voluntary organisation and we rely entirely on your support.

Thank you for playing your part. 

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